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one of the most valuable times is to studyand visit in the people’s republic of china. this is the first experience toattend seminar there
where is known as number one majority of population, number two army, number two largesteconomy and number three largest country
in the world. when i studied andstayed in china, i have had relationship with not only chinese people but alsowith other nations. during
my studied for 20 days in beijing, china from 26june to 16 july 2018, in the topic of one belt one road initiative cooperationbetween
china and other asean countries. with global project of china, calledone belt, and one road or maritime silk road, it will provide
the cpecs whichmeans connection, peace, economic and cooperation to people all over the world.i am interested in four factors when
attending the meeting there:
first, it is connection in order to relatepeople to the world. i strongly believe “one belt and one road” initiativeproject is the new market
era in the 21st century. this massive project hasannounced by chinese president xi jinping in 2013, which directly focuses onroads,
railways, seaport and airports and some more infrastructures. therealistic policy of the chinese government’s obor can enhance c
onnectivity andeconomic interactions to the sixty-five countries and five regions namely,asia, europe, africa, south africa and russia.
according to a report of theasian development bank (adb), asia needs $8.2 trillion in financial aid forinfrastructure investment from
2010 to 2020. by doing this project, eachcountry in asia can take advantages of building infrastructures, contractions,investment and
financial cooperation to the world. although obor project is ahistorical initiative of china; however, it can help more to improve regions.
i personally think that thisproject will be succeed and make china dream come true. it focuses bothphysical and spiritual infrastructure
connections to people and government incountry. in the real thing, the physical and spiritual connection or relation between china-cambodia
has started on19th july 1958. since then, both countries became historical, steel andstrategic friendship. for physical connection, china
has given many donationsto cambodia in order to build roads, bridges, schools and hospitals. forspiritual connection, china has supported
in trainings, strategies, andscholarships. as a phrase mention “keeping connection means keepingfriendship.” naturally, one belt, and
one road is not only connection oralliance with the rich countries, but also with the poor ones withoutdiscrimination on account of black
or white skin, racism or religions at all.
second, it is peace, which it means no war,and no violence. obviously, one belt, and one road wants people to live, traveland trade with
secure and peaceful means. anyway, doing business withoutfollowing the rule of law, there must be no peace or not last long. with the
obor project, it can surely help people live harmony and peacefully in regionand integration into the world. in today world, there are many
varieties ofcrises threaten to people's survival, livelihoods, and dignity. these includewar, violence, conflicts, natural disasters, diseases, and
poverty.furthermore, the china dream’s project can keep human security and sustainablepeace in face of imminent threats, poverty,
injustice; it also attempts tostand behind these crises and wait for anytime to responses. in the project of obor, is to try its best to reduce
insecurity and poverty in order topromote people’s lifestyle and stay with six peaceful categories are: peace ofmind, peace of body, peace
of family, peace of working, peace of country andpeace of world. as you have known, the significant progress in asean-chinarelation
has been playing the strategic and critical role in maintaining peace,stability, prosperity and sustainability in the regions.i remembered visiting
great wall of china on 14 july, 2018. the great wall of china has been a unesco world heritage sitesince 1987, then “i asked myself
why china built this great wall”? at thatmoment, i found the answer that; it was built to defend invasions. as a result,there is no one live
in security or aggression from other nations, so they canlive in peace. there is a saying, “building peace by yourself.”
third, it is economic. by opening up onebelt, and one road, it can bring new markets and ensure the benefits in longfuture. obor can also
help the world to create and to promote the globalmarket. it is the gold opportunities for investors in exporting-importing goodsand services.
with the massive project, it is easily to process business aswell as transportation. one time, i visited to jsti international co., ltd. on 5 july,
2018 at nanjing city, jiangsu province, china. i extremely surprised tosee the biggest company that build highways and railways. thus, china
has astronger potentialityin transportation with the low price. however, somenations are still worried about law, human rights, environment
and socialfactors related with obor. they might think obor project focuses on profits orbenefits for their own country. on the contrary,
one belt, and one road projecthas already thought and studied both positive and negative points in order torespect national and international
law, human rights, environment as well associal factors. actually, when i traveled in beijing, china, i have seen the 12chinese slogans for
the development of china. those visions are prosperity,democracy, civility, harmony, freedom, equality, justice, rule of law,patriotism,
dedication, integrity and friendship. these are china’s dreams toprove that china is one of the countries that abide by the rule of law.
therefore, they should not be worried so much about negative effects in thefuture development. from these aspects, it is clear that one belt,
and one road willcreate the large market for your country and the world.
fourth, it is cooperation. now, it is the21st century, neither people to people (p to p) nor government to government (gto g) will live lonely;
they need to cooperate with the world in order to fitin culture, politic, diplomatic, and economic and trade. why do we need to have
cooperation? the reason is that, cooperation can strengthen and support betweenindividual to individual, people to people, group to group and
government togovernment in the fields of those as earlier said. frankly speaking, if thereare no good cooperation between china-cambodia,
we and others governmentofficials also have no chances to invite us to study and visit china.meanwhile, i will not forget to express my
gratefulness and thanks to chinesegovernment and its people; especially, the economic and commercial counselor’soffice of the embassy
of the people’s republic of china in the kingdom ofcambodia that have established “chinese foreign aid training program” toprovide
opportunity for the royal government of cambodia andgovernment officials of other countries to participate the special trainingcourse.
one slogan says, “right cooperation upgrade the country, wrongcooperation decline the country.” moreover, cooperation has been classified
into two parts including private and public cooperation. privatecooperation is generally called primary cooperation which means to cooperate
orcollaborate with individual such as in family or group. for public cooperationis simply called secondary cooperation which means to tie
up government togovernment or institution to institution.
inconclusion, one belt, and one road project is the great potential and globaleconomic development to the world. thereare no challenges
due to my study and research on the positive and negativesides of one belt, and one road project. obor does not threaten regions orother
nations, but instead, it brings about the prosperity, harmony andsustainability development to all over the world. one of projects of china is
one belt, and one road that is the main key making china dream come true in thespecific time in the future. from now on, there are no
any other countries, orpowerful nations to block china to build up this smart and massive project.
mr. kong lee
ministryof commerce of cambodia
the essay from china foreign aid training essay competition on thetheme of 《my chinesestory》 thatorganized by the economic and commercial counsellor's office of chinese embassyin cambodia.